

The Story of Ü

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Featuring the great and emotionally powerful #actor #actress @cyannemacca shot at our Hangar Studio by photographer @robinleabman 📸 We had a great shoot with the full spectrum of emotional range! We had laughter and tears on this rollercoaster ride of #headshots
Featuring @realjoanwong #headshots shot in our Hangar Studio by photographer @robinleabman 📸 It was a fun and creative session with lots of wardrobe and background changes!
As of today it’s official! After FOUR years of filings, letters, and waiting…and more waiting, Lüp is now a registered trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office! #uspto #trademark #lup #lupstudios #lupstudiosheadshots
Featured actor headshots is @ryanculverinla shot by photographer @robinleabman in Lüp’s #hangarstudio. Ryan just booked and shot an episode of an upcoming AppleTV show, which he submitted on @actorsaccess using one of these headshots! These shots were achieved by opening the 42’ hangar door and allowing tons of natural light to flood into the cavernous Hangar Studio. #actorheadshots #naturallightphotography #naturallightportrait #studiophotography #headshotsla
Featuring @vickivegasthecomedian #actorheadshots shot in our Hangar Studio by photographer @robinleabman 📷 Vic brought her A-game and showed off her range…she’s so much fun to work with!
Featuring @vodkapineapple #actorheadshots in our Hangar Studio! Super-fun shoot with a great actor! Photographer @robinleabman
Lüp Studios is now shooting actors’ and artists’ headshots and portraits! To book a session at our Hangar Studio, go to lupstudios.com #actors #headshots #portraits
One of my favorite shots traveling with my favorite person @canvascasting in #positano shot on @sonyalpha #sonya6500
@sonyalpha shooting on the #sonya7c
Caught this #redtailfox drinking water at #apgar in #glaciernationalpark @glaciernps Shot with @sonyalpha #sonya7c and #sigma2470art

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